maiden to mother

A witness for Your Journey

Maiden to Mother philosophy

Birth is a journey inward, a time of letting go, of remembering. I believe that birth should take place in a safe space, surrounded by trusted individuals, where instincts are honored. At birth, I am a witness. I trust the birth process, and I trust your intuition. I genuinely care about your unique birth vision and perspectives and am dedicated to working together with you and your birth team.

Postpartum is a time of change and transition. I believe that a period of postpartum rest is essential for renewal and long-term wellness. My goal is to support you so that you can bond with your baby, heal and replete your body, and access your intuition. I want to help you identify your needs and prepare for postpartum so that you can thrive in motherhood.

“When we reaffirm our relationship with nature, wild and untamed, we acquire knowledge, vision, inspiration, intuition, and life itself vibrates both inside and outside of us.”

— Laura Gutman

Birth doula

Let’s get to know each other during pregnancy and build a relationship of trust. Tell me about your birth vision, share your insights with me, ask questions, and know that I am here. Your body is innately wise, and you are powerful. You are the ultimate authority at your birth. You deserve to have a positive birth experience where your voice is heard, your needs are met, and you feel fully supported.

Mother-Centered Postpartum Care

Traditional cross-cultural postpartum care emphasizes rest, nourishing food, warmth, bodywork, ritual and community involvement. By centering your needs, you are better able to heal and nourish your body, bond with your baby, and access your intuition when you need it. A period of postpartum rest and renewal is essential for long-term health and wellness. We offer postpartum planning and nourishing in-home visits after birth.

Mother’s blessing

Mother’s blessings are a wonderful way to prepare for your upcoming birth with an intimate gathering of friends and family members. We form a circle of support and witnesses to your birth journey, helping you prepare emotionally and spiritually for what is to come and who you are becoming.

 Vaginal Steaming

Vaginal steaming is used for postpartum recovery and pelvic health. Beginning with a consultation, we go over your cycle history and your current symptoms and come up with a custom protocol and herbal formula. Steam every day for 30 days after giving birth or on certain days surrounding your menstrual cycle. Steaming sessions are available during postpartum visits or as a full add on to any package.

Closing of the Bones

A rebozo closing ceremony is a wonderful way to ease your transition into new motherhood. Pregnancy and birth is a time of expansion and opening, so during postpartum we hold and create space for the "closing” and integration of the birth experience. This ceremony is done days or years after giving birth or any time you feel called, and is included in our postpartum care package.

the postpartum Recovery box

We include a full recovery box for all of our birth and postpartum clients. Homemade herbal products for your postpartum recovery including teas, salves, sitz bath herbs and more!


Hi, I’m Heidi. I am so glad you’re here.

Giving birth and becoming a mother has been a journey for me. One of the most important things I have learned is the value of community and the need for support. We need to be held and seen in order to do the same for our children.

I became a birth worker because I wanted to be there for women during transition—the most intense point before the birth of our babies and the “rebirth” of ourselves.


    “During the long labor process, Heidi came ready to offer support. She was emotionally present and physically hands on during contractions with counter pressure. She brought a positive, peaceful presence that helped me feel at peace with the situation rather than stressed or nervous. During the last, most intense moments of labor, she was there next to me offering me encouraging and supportive words. . . She provided additional resources and ideas that helped during the transition to motherhood. She guided me with breastfeeding. She provided a safe space to process the birth and validated all of my feelings, helping me feel empowered rather than embarrassed by some of the experiences. I also loved the bath salts and salve she made!”

    —Savanna E.

  • I’m so grateful for Heidi and the support she offered me as my doula. I love the calm, gentle, assured energy she exudes. She’s so knowledgeable! I asked her many questions during pregnancy and after and she always gave thorough, helpful responses and advice. She added a loving, responsive presence to my birth. I’ll never forget how she lovingly rubbed my feet after I got into my bed after I gave birth. During my postpartum visit she brought food for me to eat during our visit, nourishing soup to eat later, she rubbed my feet, offered a healing meditation and asked questions and listened. She also gifted me postpartum tea that was so delicious and salves to help with cramps and sore nipples. Wow. She really thinks of everything! I love Heidi and I’d recommend her to anyone!

    —Jamie B.

  • “Heidi is someone who can be trusted with your whole heart. She has a keen eye for what postpartum mother’s really need-someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, someone to take the baby for you or help with the older kids, someone to help with clean up and make you a fresh balanced meal to support healing and good mental health, and then give you all the postpartum love and support you need through her spiritual and meditative practices/rituals I.e. herbal baths, yoni steams, closing of the bones ceremony, placenta burial ceremony, meditations, breath work, drumming, singing, etc. Heidi is someone who can be counted on, she is honest and keeps her word. She is humble, open minded, and so fun to talk with. It was this spirit she carried with her that drew her to me, I knew my family would be taken care of because of her diligence in these attributes. She is a hard working woman constantly laboring to further her education, always looking for ways to make herself and her practice better so she can serve others in more meaningful ways. Heidi didn’t just become my postpartum doula, she became one of my best friends, a dear sister that no matter how much time passes when we’re apart I know the moment we’re reunited again will be as if nothing changed. She welcomes all to her doorstep with open arms, she truly has the heart of a servant and I couldn’t be more honored to have had her by my side during such a beautiful but challenging time transitioning with welcoming my third daughter into the world. Thank you for all that you are Heidi, you are so beloved.”

    —Sierra K.

  • “Heidi’s gentleness is felt in everything she does. I felt so loved when she helped me prepare for my mommy blessing. It was there, where she introduced me to a song I would use everyday to this day, to find comfort and peace. That song became my anthem. I felt so held and seen during our postpartum visits. Her delicious broth soups and herbal baths warmed my soul and welcomed my body to heal. I’m so grateful for all that aligned for us to meet.”

    — Von M.

  •  “Heidi is a calm, supportive presence with so much birth knowledge to be able to help birthing moms and their partners. She is also very passionate about helping and the experience of having a doula was so calming and helpful.”

    —Rachel C.

  • “I am so grateful for Heidi’s support during and after the birth of now two babies! When I was stepping into becoming a first time mom, Heidi helped me to feel confident and supported in my desires for birth. Not only did she support me, but I know that my husband also felt extremely supported and safe in a space that was new to both of us. She assisted me so much in physical and emotional healing after my second baby’s c-section. She helped me to process my grief over an unexpected birth outcome and nurtured me, my family, and our new baby in the gentlest ways. Heidi is so knowledgeable. I love learning from her knowledge about traditional postpartum care and herbal medicine. She is absolutely amazing and so caring, compassionate, and full of love!”

    —Heather J.

  • “My experience receiving care was great! My husband works a lot and isn’t home much so I needed someone to help me adjust to postpartum and also life with two kids and Heidi was just the person for me! Heidi helped with baths, herbal steams, meals, light cleaning, tending to both my newborn and toddler, foot, hand, and womb massages, being a listening ear and much more! Her services went above and beyond my expectations and it was really nice to have her around the first couple months of adjusting to a new baby. I chose Heidi because her belief system and lifestyle was similar to the way I live and I also love who she is as a person inside and out. She is authentically herself and I admire that! One advantage was that she is so knowledgeable on herbs and on how to heal the womb and body. Her services in making me teas and herbal blends for sitz baths and steams I feel made all the difference healing wise compared to how I healed with my first child. It was a whole new experience and I am really grateful for the experience I had with Heidi being my postpartum doula. The Rebozo ceremonies we would do each week really helped me mentally and emotionally as well, and we also did guided meditation sessions and moxa sessions to continue to help me heal physically mentally emotionally and spiritually. If I had a friend considering a doula, I would tell them if you want someone who is knowledgeable and practices with the thought of Mother Earth and nature and all things natural and the beauty of it all along with the focus on the mother herself, Heidi would be the person to recommend. I will forever be grateful to Heidi for the help she brought my family and I and the friendship we formed as well.”

    —Shelbi M

  • “I had such a gentle, fast, and wonderful birth with Heidi! She gave me the strength, support, and words at exactly the right moment. She has a calm, centering vibe that made me feel loved on my journey. She is such a great resource for so many subjects: parenting, breastfeeding, self/body care, postpartum, birth positioning, community building... truly kind. Great with my son, midwives, and husband during our home birth. Heidi is such a lovely person. It brings me tears of gratitude to be writing this!”

    —Erika M.

Does this Sound like You?

  • You are committed to listening to your body and honoring your instincts

  • You trust that your body knows how to give birth and heal

  • You embrace the sensual and wild nature of womanhood and motherhood

  • You are connected to your core and want to preserve the energy of your birth and postpartum space

  • Birth and health sovereignty are important to you

  • You are looking for a witness and guide, someone who will trust you when you trust yourself

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